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Saturday 26 April 2014

OGC Nice - Stade de Reims : a great evening!

Tonight the singing never stopped for over 2 hours. Amazing! Well done dear fans - your support greatly helped the team!


On top of these great sports results, the evening was very joyful with pregame the concert of a local band "Petits Gars Laids" on the stadium esplanade.

The flag bearers were once more present and have become a fixture of OGC Nice games.

Surprise surprise, before and during the game some weird glases were seen on the face of the eagle trainer, members of the club as well as a spectator. See you soon online for the result!

Last, but not least the Allianz Riviera #SocialScreen was used by 2 OGC Nice players to answer the internet users' questions.

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