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Thursday 28 May 2015

Neighbours’ Festival at the Allianz Riviera

And what if the best business social network was the traditional neighbours’ festival? 


On that basis, Nice Eco Stadium decided to organise a luncheon where they brought together people from companies that work at the Allianz Riviera every day. The architects who worked on Willmotte, the Allianz startup business acceleratorVINCI Facilities, the National Sports MuseumParcs et Sport, the PIA and GSF were all on hand to take part in this convivial moment in a bid to put an end to the anonymity and isolation which sometimes pervade large-sized companies.


The menu: socca, Niçoise sandwich, Niçoise salad, Swiss chard pie and a cake in the stadium colours, the whole served beneath the magnificent frame of the Riveria’s top arena.

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